Color Search Tool

Step 2:

Select a Color

Click on a color swatch to view the products that come in that color.

Amore Colors

Amore offers many beautiful blended colors. To learn how to read the color codes, please reference the Shade Pattern Indicators.

Click on a color swatch to view the products that come in that color. Remember color rings are the most accurate way of selecting a product color. Your computer may display these colors differently.

Shade Pattern Indicators:

  • R: Hybrant Root™ - Shadowed Roots with Hybrant Shades
  • LR: Long Rooted -Dramatic Ombré
  • A: Human Hair Colors

MÉlange Collection Colors

  • Flux: Tone on tone balayage colors
  • Absolute: Pure tone without highlights
  • Titanium: Greys